Mechanical Supervisor / Plant Engineer

Full time @Lorache Consulting Limited posted 2 years ago

Job Description


Administer and resolve all technical maintenance issues.
Maintain an efficient and safe working environment for all employees.
Ensure compliance to all state and federal regulations and design appropriate plant maintenance programs to reduce all downtime.
Monitor all capital improvement projects and organize various performance appraisals and recommend training programs as per requirement.
Perform regular audit on all safety control programs.
Design efficient training programs and prepare all short- and long-term programs and ensure achievement of all objectives with required budget.
Prepare reports for all client activities and ensure compliance to all state and federal laws.
Prepare an efficient schedule for all production operations and assist in installation and maintenance of all machines and tools.
Collaborate with various departments to maintain mechanical integrity of all plant programs.
Design all preventive maintenance programs in coordination with production and engineering staff.
Analyze all equipment requirements and assist in requisition of all tools and equipment.
Resolve all maintenance issues and recommend improvements to same if required.
Maintain and review everyday logs and assist to resolve all issues and provide support to all engineering activities and participate in all facilities maintenance meetings.
Review and recommend improvements of all SOP procedures and perform troubleshoot on all plant activities and resolve all issues and assist facilities manager to implement all changes.
Validate all systems and prepare required documents for all installation proves.
Provide an efficient interface with all automation and validation processes sand provide training to all engineers and operators.
Provide an efficient interface with engineering department to evaluate all upcoming capital projects and analyze and obtain required feedback for all equipment and layouts.


Great educational background, preferably in the fields of Mechanical Engineering or related field
Proven working experience as a mechanical supervisor in the pharmaceutical sector
Solid technical background, with understanding or hands-on experience in pharmaceutical sector
Excellent logical thinking
Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multi-tasking skills

Job Specific Skills:

Leadership Skills
Team Management
Logical Reasoning

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